Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Aarshi grows up

She grew up faster than I could know. I guess children are like that- one day they are a newborn kid babbling in your arms; and the nest thing you know, a few years have crossed by, and they turn into this little adult whom you never knew.
She recently entered KG from Nursery. Quite a transition; I remember the School Interview where she was one more babbling kid, accompanying her parents to the interview.And today, she is a school-growing kid with varied interests from Chhota Bheem to dance and art. We play bubbles and football on the terrace quite often, and Snake and ladders at other times. The other day, her toy bird overshot the limits of our terrace, and went into the neighbor’s compound. It was quite a late night adventure to retrieve it.
We took her to the circus this year, and she was enthralled to see the clowns and the animals. It was quite an adventure for her young life. Most of all, she remembers the joker who played the practical pranks.
My late night computer work has been forestalled, willingly, because she insists I must accompany her when she goes to bed each night. Our time for bedside stories has decreased a bit, but it has been replaced by her gymnastics , most gleefully on her Dad’s shoulders. She still loves to ride my shoulders, though I must admit it is a bit more difficult than in the days when she was a one year old kid in Pune.
Though she is  a bit tempartmental, I guess all kids are unique in their own way. All they need is love and care from their parents, and the assurance that they will be by their side, no matter what. And that is, ultimately, what we need to install in our children- the capacity to love , and be loved. For, of all the human emotions, love, especially for one’s family, is the one thing that distinguishes us humans as a race. A family may have differences of opinion, and contrasts of character, but what holds it together are the fundamental human emotion of love, understanding and caring.

Aarshi grows up